So I stumbled on a show
on Soweto tv station,
Anglo-Saxon South African
were waxing lyrical
about nepotism in the government
‘They don’t give
a rats ass about us,’
they say
Could it be that hunters turn (around) to prey?
They took to the streets
demonstrating against “white genocide.”
the Bev. I ingested
into cyanide
‘Apartheid was a fair system’
said the guy whose hair was grey
shit has since
gone sideways
hunters turn (around)
to prey
They brought up Jacob’s
a song about the machine gun
he’s the reason
foreign investment looks
the other way
a run…
… ‘If violence continues,
eventually, we’ll all have to pay
Fat ones to talk
hunters turn (around)
to prey
The woman said
she had black friends
so she can’t be racist
amateur’s playing mind games
with a mentalist
‘we won’t apologize
for our forefathers’ deeds.’
they say
shit like this
is why hunters
turn (around)
to prey.